About the race

Oslava rychlosti je na dosah. Vrchol automobilové sezóny na Masarykově okruhu nabídne finále mistrovství středoevropské okruhové zóny. Těšte se na nekompromisní souboje v mnoha závodních třídách včetně GT a cestovních vozů.

Nekompromisní závodní zábava

Akce Masaryk Racing Days je tradiční oslava rychlosti, kdy se na startovní rošty postaví silná konkurence jezdců (nejen) ze středoevropského regionu. Samozřejmě s bohatou domácí účastí.

Nabitý program táhnou závody GT vozů, které se během víkendu představí ve dvou sprintových závodech a jedné vytrvalosti.

Žádný fanoušek motorsportu by neměl opomenout ani závody cestovních vozů. Letos vrchol podzimní části sezóny ozdobí prestižní šampionát TCR Europe. Samozřejmostí jsou dva víkendové závody TCR Eastern Europe.

Mladí dravci pokračují v cestě za svých snem ve formulovém šampionátu FIA F4 CEZ. Pohárové závody Suzuki Swift, Mazda Cup a Clio Cup nabídnou souboje aut skromných na sílu motoru, ale velmi štědrých v porci nabízené zábavy.

U toho nemůžete chybět!

F1 Exhibice

I letos se můžete těšit na adrenalinovou tečku. Celkem do šesti jízd vyrazí na dráhu bývalé vozy Formule 1 z přelomu milénia a další monoposty, z nichž mnohé k nejslavnějšímu automobilovému šampionátu odkazují. Podrobnosti připravujeme.


You can buy a one-day, weekend ticket, or a VIP ticket for this event. In all cases, your ticket is valid for all open grandstands and the paddock, in case of the VIP ticket also to the VIP lounge.
  • Free entry for children under 12 years and holders of a ZTP and ZTP/P card
  • Free parking at open grandstands
  • Regular tickets will be available at the Masaryk Circuit ticket office only at the time of the event (Saturday and Sunday):
    • 2 cash desks at tribune T1 (in front of tribune C)
    • 2 cash desks at the main grandstand (in front of the T3 / T5 grandstands)
  • VIP tickets can be bought in online pre-sale only.

Cash desk Opening Hours

  • Saturday, September 9: 08:30 – 17:30
  • Sunday, September 10: 08:30 – 16:00.
Online sales10.6.2024 - 30.8.2024
Sale on site7.9.2024 - 8.9.2024
Online sales10.6.2024 - 30.8.2024
143 EUR
Sale on site7.9.2024 - 8.9.2024

VIP vstupenka

Indulge in a premium experience as a VIP guest. We have prepared a special package of activities and full service, so you can fully enjoy this year’s Masaryk Racing Days.

Don’t limit yourself. With a VIP ticket, you are free as a bird

Thanks to the VIP ticket, you can reach places that are usually accessible only to racers and their teams. In selected races, head to the starting grid and walk among the racing cars just before they go into battle for victory.

Enjoy a special PITWALK in between the races.

As our VIP guests, you will have access to an air-conditioned lounge with a view of the finish straight throughout the race program.

Unrestricted movement throughout the area is a matter of course. With your VIP ticket, you have unlimited access to all open stands and the paddock.

All-inclusive catering

Leave your wallet at home. We will take care of the refreshments for you. Cold and hot meals will be available for breakfast, lunch, and afternoon buffet.

Off to the track

Go for a service road inspection. It is usually strictly off-limits to visitors, but as our VIP guests, you’ll get a look at it. All you need to do is get on the shuttle bus and enjoy the racing cars in action up close.

Just a little luck is enough to get on the track

Wouldn’t you like to get on the track as a passenger? With a bit of luck, this experience awaits you too.

From purchased VIP tickets, we will draw 8 winners, who will have a taxi drive in a leading car shortly before one of the races.

Information about the drawn winners will be available from our hostesses in the VIP lounge.

Win a voucher for Polygon Brno

From all sold VIP tickets (not valid for VIP Junior), we will draw three winners, who will receive a voucher for a safe-driving school, which we hold throughout the year at our Safe Driving Center Polygon Brno.

The ticket is valid on September 7th and 8th.

Online sales10.6.2024 - 30.8.2024
65 EUR
Sale on site7.9.2024 - 8.9.2024

VIP vstupenka JUNIOR

No need to leave the kids at home. Indulge together in a premium experience as our VIP guests. We have prepared a special package of activities and full service, so you can fully enjoy this year’s Masaryk Racing Days.

The ticket is valid for children aged 7 to 12.

Don’t limit yourself. With a VIP ticket, you are free as a bird

Enjoy a special PITWALK in between the races.

As our VIP guests, you will have access to an air-conditioned lounge with a view of the finish straight throughout the race program.

Unrestricted movement throughout the area is a matter of course. With your VIP ticket, you have unlimited access to all open stands and the paddock.

All-inclusive catering

Leave your wallet at home. We will take care of the refreshments for you. Cold and hot meals will be available for breakfast, lunch, and afternoon buffet.

Off to the track

Go for a service road inspection. It is usually strictly off-limits to visitors, but as our VIP guests, you’ll get a look at it. All you need to do is get on the shuttle bus and enjoy the racing cars in action up close.

Adult VIP ticket also includes a visit to the starting grid and the chance to win a taxi drive in the leading car. This program is not available for the VIP Junior ticket due to safety reasons.

The ticket is valid on September 7th and 8th. The ticket is valid for children aged 7 to 12

Online sales10.6.2024 - 30.8.2024
22 EUR
Sale on site7.9.2024 - 8.9.2024
27 EUR

Víkendové vstupné

  • The ticket is valid for grandstands C, F, T3 / T5, and the paddock
  • Children under 12 years and holders of a ZTP and ZTP / P card have free entry
  • Free parking at open grandstands

Weekend tickets purchased in advance will be exchanged for a wristband upon your arrival to the venue – you will find a special exchange point at the main entrance.

Online sales - - -
Online sales is not running
Sale on site7.9.2024 - 8.9.2024
16 EUR

Jednodenní vstupné

  • The ticket is valid for grandstands C, F, T3 / T5, and the paddock
  • Children under 12 years and holders of a ZTP and ZTP / P card have free entry
  • Free parking at open grandstands


Saturday 7. 9.
09.00 - 09.25
D4 GT + D5 + SCC (kvalifikační trénink | qualifying practice)
09.35 - 10.15
Divize 2 (závod 1 | race 1)
10.30 - 11.10
F4 CEZ Championship (závod 1 | race 1)
11.20 - 11.35
F1 Exhibice | Formula One Exhibition
11.45 - 12.30
Suzuki Swift Cup (závod 1 | race 1)
12.40 - 13.20
TWC Clio Cup + Mazda Cup (závod 1 | race 1)
13.35 - 14.15
D4 GT + D5 + SCC (závod 1 | race 1)
14.25 - 14.40
F1 Exhibice | Formula One Exhibition
14.50 - 15.30
TCR Eastern Europe (závod 1 | race 1)
15.40 - 16.30
TCR Europe (závod 1 | race 1)
16.45 - 17.00
F1 Exhibice | Formula One Exhibition
17.10 - 17.50
F4 CEZ Championship (závod 2 | race 2)
18.00 - 19.20
Endurance D4 GT + D5 + SCC (závod | race)
Sunday 8. 9.
09.00 - 09.25
Divize 2 (kvalifikační trénink 2 | qualifying practice 2)
09.35 - 10.00
D4 GT + D5 + SCC (kvalifikační trénink 2 | qualifying practice 2)
10.10 - 10.25
F1 Exhibice | Fornula One Exhibition
10.35 - 11.15
TCR Eastern Europe (závod 2 | race 2)
11.25 - 12.15
TCR Europe (závod 2 | race 2)
12.30 - 12.45
F1 Exhibice | Fornula One Exhibition
12.55 - 13.35
D4 GT + D5 + SCC (závod 2 | race 2)
13.50 - 14.30
F4 CEZ Championship (závod 3 | race 3)
14.40 - 15.20
Divize 2 (závod 2 | race 2)
15.30 - 15.45
F1 Exhibice | Fornula One Exhibition
15.55 - 16.35
TWC Clio Cup + Mazda Cup (závod 2 | race 2)


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